Sunday, February 26, 2017

I hope you're proud of yourselves.

I live in the United States, where the political situation is best described as "we are watching the rise of a fascist dictatorship". A+ well done America.

But that's not who I am addressing.

Parents, I am talking to you. Particularly if you support Awareness(TM) and pushes for intensive intervention.

I've met you. A large number of you consider yourselves liberal or even progressive. A large number of you would claim to not support this. A large number of you threatened to move to Canada if this happened.

And that's why I hope you're fucking proud of yourselves.

Not only did you give money to an organization run by a man who supported the Mango Menace, but also you shot yourself in the "running to Canada" foot.

No one will take you now, and it's your fault. I mean, you destined me to fucking rot here, but y'all are all for my death anyway and don't pretend you aren't, I have a file of threats.

No one will take you either and it's your own doing.

Every time you demand 40h/week intensive, expensive therapy? You damned yourself. Every time you complained about how expensive an autistic child is? You damned yourself. Every time you threw a big public fit about what a pain in the ass your child is? You damned yourself.

Because of your Awareness, autism is now a named visa exclusion for many many countries. You have everyone convinced we cost much more than an average child and that we're hopeless drains on everyone else.

All so you could get tea and sympathy at the expense of your child. All in the name of support for yourself, the only real person in the situation.

Never did you think ahead to "maybe the US isn't going to always be a liveable situation", surely you didn't stop to think about how your child may not want to live here for whatever reason. It was all about your tea and sympathy and self pity.

And now you can't run away to Canada or the UK or anywhere else either! And yes, you fucked over me and mine. But you're stuck here too and even as I know I'm dying horribly (aren't you sad it wasn't by your hand? I know at least a dozen of you are) I can point and laugh pettily because you are stuck here too, in this cesspit of a Nazi run dictatorship.

A+ foresight, y'all. Well done.

I hope you're fucking proud. Just know it wasn't worth it. 


Unknown said...

WOW! You are one angry beaver! I don't know who exactly you are speaking too here but I can tell you that we NEED awareness. We need groups and pages where we can vent, get advice and talk about the good, the bad and the ugly. You see, when I can post about an issue my kiddo is having and get feedback that many others are having or had the same issue, it not only gives me insight but allows my son to know that he is not alone. When you say that people "throw a public fit over what a pain in the ass" their child is; you make parents sound horrific. I have NEVER had so much as one autism parent complain about their child being a pain or giving them a hard time. What I have heard is that their child is HAVING a hard time. You come across as an angry democrat who didn't get their way. You come across as very angry that YOU can't seem to leave America. You can leave, you just have to prove that YOU can take care of your child's medical/therapy needs. Oh, is that what has you angry? That YOU will actually be responsible for you own child and ALL of his/her needs? Oh well, make it happen so you can leave what you think is a dictatorship.

Unknown said...

This needed to be said. Thank you. And I HAVE heard more than my share of parents bitching about how hard their kid's condition is FOR THEM to deal with. Rock on, "angry beaver!"

TMDH said...

She's angry at A$ supporters. I'm pretty sure Bob Wright is a card carrying Republican. And you need to vent? What do you think she needs to do? She is an autistic person. Awareness spreaders have made it much less likely for her to get a visa. You yourself have said that awareness spreaders have been venting about folks like her. I get her ire.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

As Tonto said. "Who are you calling 'we,' white man?"

Neurodivergent K said...

Read the post?

You'd be angry too if you had any empathy at all but parents are immune.

It's all about you isn't it?

Annora said...

It's really fucking telling that the parent is saying that they need awareness and the autistic people are saying they don't. This just in: it isn't about YOU. Did it, ever once in this post, say you cannot vent? No. Did it, ever once, say you cannot get feedback? No. You have never heard a parent shame their child? Good for you. I was I was that privileged. I wish I hadn't been that child. I wish I hadn't seen it happen. But guess what? It does. Just because YOU don't see something happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

i am so sorry the truth apparently is too hard to handle.

Catness said...
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Anonymous said...

"You can leave, you just have to prove that YOU can take care of your child's medical/therapy needs. Oh, is that what has you angry? That YOU will actually be responsible for you own child and ALL of his/her needs?"

K doesn't have kids you bootstrap pulling fuckstick. K is Autistic and can't immigrate because shitheels like you have convinced everyone that she costs a fuckton of money. Not that it should matter.

Unknown said...

The fuck are you even talking about, Buffie? You're in *her* space, jumping on *her* vent with absurd complaints about *your* feels? "Autism parents" get 98% of the world, you can hush up and listen for a change while you're here...cause seriously, if you haven't seen "autism parents" getting nasty about how haaaard it is to parent people like us, you REALLY haven't been paying attention. And what's with your assumption that a) you know less than K does about her personal circumstances, or immigration opportunities for disabled people, and b) K is coming at this issue from the POV of a parent?? You *do* know that autistic kids grow up into autistic adults, right? That the majority of autistic people are adults, like us? You're acting like a condescending asshole. Do better.

Anonymous said...

Hey like maybe you can vent in *understanding* spaces of *Acceptance* spaces. Maybe *Awareness* spaces ONLY EXIST to say, "Oh pity me! Be aware, beware!" and if you're not doing that YOU DON'T WANT AWARENESS.

Also K doesn't have a kid last I checked? But like wowzers an actual free range autistic speaking for herself, impossible. Gotta be that she has a seekrit kiddo.

Anonymous said...

tl;dr much whining massive bore.

Try again when you have a complaint we haven't heard before.

Unknown said...

I just love when the paaaaarents can't fathom that we grow up and can speak for ourselves. And by "love" I mean "hate with the fire of a thousand burning suns."

I could be totally nonverbal, and just able to type well. I could be a goddamned public speaker. These people don't know us, nor do they want to. If it isn't about their own martyrdom, they don't care.

Unknown said...

Y'all want us to listen but we are painted with the same brush amd approach with anger every thanks. The generalizations made....all the time....when the table is turned, you're quick to jump though......

Unknown said...

Ive known many autistics recommend those 40+ hours of intensive therapy, personally, and speakers like temple grandin

Unknown said...

Interesring in my community how autistic adults are promoting awareness funded by as....

tuttleturtle42 said...

It's rather straightforward. We're autistic people. We say awareness hurts. We actually get to say whether awareness helps or hurts us because we get to speak about ourselves, not parents saying they know the best for their children and saying they know exactly what their children would say, and saying that autistic adults don't exist.

And awareness hurts and gets us abused time and time again to the point where when I meet an autistic person I don't even ask them if they have PTSD, because that is simply an assumption, because it is so likely.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Posted and edited because I made a significant error.

klee LA:
(1) That's called self-hate. That's called being desperate to be "normal" because this society can't handle anyone who isn't.

(2) if you don't want to be "painted with the same brush" and approached "with anger," you need to stop doing shit that makes us wary and justifiably afraid of you. In the last 5 years something like 100 autistics have been murdered BY THEIR PARENTS because they "just couldn't handle them" or "they snapped." How do we know which type of parent you are? We have the right to be wary. You don't have the right to be offended at someone else's self-defense.

(3) Also, Temple Grandin is a great example of tokenism, because she has gone on record multiple times as saying that only the "high functioning" autistics are useful. Functioning labels are bullshit and Grandin is an elitist.

And by the way, let me reiterate it again: I do not care that your feelings have been hurt (apparently) by justifiably angry autistic people. Your feelings don't trump my right to be seen as a whole person, or to feel safe.

Annora said...

I don't?? Where did you get the impression that I promote them? I despise them.

Annora said...

You are pissed that we are painting you with the same brush while you do the same thing to us? Wow. Just wow.

Annora said...

Prove to us you are different then. Prove that you aren't like the other parents. K would justify so call out any adult autistic who was advocating for abusive therapies. I have and I will. So instead of just getting pissed off over tone and the fact that not everyone likes you, realize that maybe you're doing the exact same thing. And you are literally saying you don't want to listen. You don't listen when it is said nicely. You don't listen when we're angry. We have TRIED being nice. We have TRIED being polite. It doesn't make a difference. It doesn't work.

And really, because Temple is okay with it you think we all are? Again. You are doing the same thing you're mad that we're doing.

Unknown said...

My feelings are not guys try to silence anyone on the spectrum that disagree with you....

Unknown said...

I mean in my own community......i tried to stop the as fundraising for all the reasons i see autistic people rightfully complain about...but its the autistics in mymcommunoty who disagree with those sentiments...

Unknown said...

What about then one who personally wish they had intensive therapy instead of going through childhoods not knowing why they are the way they are........i dealt with suicidal tendencies, anorexia, depression, self loathe, no ways to cope, self harm etccc you have no right to speak for all.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Intensive therapy is always recommended in the beginning stages when parents dont even grasp what autism means yet....there are professionals pushing for this and parents trust they are the expert this isnt all on the parents shoulders...a simple google on autism brings you straight to bad information and cure talk.....geez yous make it seem like its intentional. I am quite sure im an undiagnosed adult and based on both perspectives as a parent and likely on the spectrum myself, parents will not start listening until you forgive and have open conversation without the anger, resentment, and pointing fingers...forgive not for the guilty that hurt you but for your own benefit, to move on. You literally dont know how all parents treat their kids....most of these forums like to paint parents as being abusers etc....these parents love their kids even if misguided...insulting them won't make them listen and if that is truly
a goal you are passionate about, put your
own hate aside, for the cause!

Unknown said...

You'll never bridge the gap and truly help younger generations unless you can have open respectful conversation.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Speaking for herself based on misinformation amd wants people to listen....yeah sounds legit. Dont be offended....its not just autistics, its basically any neurological or anyone with health issues.....thays what happens when you have a system paid by taxpayers...ive personally seen the same parents she accuses, try to muster up advocacy and change to thise policies.

Unknown said...

This sounds to me like 'oohoo i cant get my way and sonce i have a personal vendetta against parents, ill blame them' its not just autistics btw....and the same parents she piints fingers at are the same parents ive personally seen try to challenge those policies in favor of letting people in with disabilities

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Are you saying that there a no autistic people that promote awareness? Seriously? Which autistics should i listen to ......

Unknown said...

What misinformation? Her own experiences? Do you know what disability day of mourning is?

Unknown said...

Misinformed as in its parents of autistic kids fault why these policies are in place....come on....

Unknown said...

Klee LA - if you are on the spectrum, you are entitled to your own opinion for yourself. What you are not entitled to do is police anyone's anger about their own mistreatment. K, myself, many others have been actively menaced and mistreated, and too many people act like we should be thankful to be alive. Fuck that noise.

Unknown said...

Then maybe parents should respect us. They don't.

Unknown said...

Omg. This is the best thing I have ever read regarding the Orange Fuhrer and all the folks who just now found out what kind of country they live in. And they're acting all surprised at this. This is what they voted for so they will have to suffer all along with the rest of us marginalized peoples. Since their reading comprehension is nil I guess they missed that part in the Bible about whatever happens to the least happens to everyone.

anon said...

^ "angry beaver" is still condensing asf though.